

それはよいのだが、このフィード、どういうわけかRSSリーダに登録しようとすると失敗する*1Bloglinesの場合は「フィードに問題あり」みたいなエラーが出て登録に失敗。はてなRSSで試すと、登録画面では何のエラーも出ないが、いざ見ようとすると実はさっきのフィードは登録されてない、という具合。私が試した限り唯一うまく登録できたのはFirefoxのLive Bookmarkのみ。


以前はてなRSSで韓国語が文字化けする件でも散々な目に遭っているので、「RSSのフォーマットの問題で困った時はFeed Burnerに通してしまえ」を試す。これもダメだ。こんなエラーが出たぞ:

The feed URL you entered is:
We could not find a valid feed at that address. Here are some possible reasons this might have happened:

  • Is the feed valid? Confirm its validity now.
    If you're using Blogger, Feed Validator may call your feed "obsolete" and generate a bunch of errors. This is because Blogger is using an older feed standard (Atom 0.3) and isn't a reason for concern. Learn more in the FeedBurner forums.
    If the feed is valid and FeedBurner still can't handle it, let us know.
    You can also view this post on why feed validity matters from FeedBurner Forums.
  • Are you using the URL of the web page or the URL of the feed?
    FeedBurner is usually able to "auto-discover" your feed from a web page, but in this case we didn't find any related feeds. You may want to enter the URL of the feed directly.
  • Is the URL is misspelled or a copy+paste action didn't work?
    If that's the case, please try again.

というわけで今のところ万事休す。これっぽっちのことにLive Bookmark使いたくないなぁ。


