E-mail Subscriptionを使ってみた


"E-mail subscription" は左フレームの "My feeds" タブの下のほう、"Extras" の2番目にあります。つついてみると出て来る説明がこんな感じ:

You can create an unlimited number of special Bloglines email addresses that are tied to your Bloglines account. The email addresses show up as subscriptions in your My Blogs page, and email sent to those email addresses appears as new items.

When you create a Bloglines email address, a subscription is added to your account. If you unsubscribe from that subscription, the email address becomes invalid and mail sent to it will bounce.

Email subscriptions are great for announce-only or broadcast mailing lists that don't provide RSS feeds. They are also useful as temporary email addresses.

To rename or move your email subscriptions, use the 'Edit' link under the 'My Feeds' tab.


初め このアドレスは着信専用なのかと思ったけれども、よく見たら "Send mail" というリンクがあった。ヘッダには To:, Cc:, Bcc:, Subject:が指定できる。アドレス帳みたいな機能は無い。


ちなみに本来の探し物だったOPMLインポート/エクスポートですが、左フレームの "My feeds" タブでeditモードに入っている時だけ 下のほうに現れます。これ、いつも忘れてしまうよ